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Ever wondered why a grown middle-aged man dressing up in tight spandex and downing the colors of his nation’s flag to fight bad guys gives you a sense of justice, hope, excitement or escape? Why an indestructible teenage girl from a far-off planet equally serves the same set of emotions you’d feel in

Superheroes have been important threads in the fabric of society for a couple of generations now. They’ve graced our screens, danced across the pages of our comics and storybooks and dominated our childhood conversations and arguments. Without them, our childhoods would have been boring, our adolescent years a complete nightmare and the seriousness of

Mighty Joo is a story by Parables Animations that's centered around a character named Joseph Kojo Balima; an environmental scientist whose alter ego is Mighty Joo - the Environmental Crusader. The story follows his life and adventures as he fights for environmental conservation while also battling villains who threaten the peace and justice