Hey Leti Friends, guess who has been a busy bee? Our CEO Eyram Tawia!!!!! To add to his tall list of achievements, he authored the book Uncompromising Passion, The Humble Beginnings of an African Video Game Industry. The book tells the story of how he grew up on Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology campus in Kumasi, how he taught himself to develop games and how Leti Arts was formed. He strongly believes that with passion, any dream can be accomplished.
Be richer in passion than in money, for passion is what we have when all is lost. – Eyram
2nd Lady of the Republic of Ghana, H.E Mrs. Matilda Amissah-Arthur at the launch of Uncompromising Passion.
This book was written to motivate young Africans and to prove to them that everything they seek can be achieved in Africa with the right attitude. Having had all his education in Ghana and being one of the pioneers of the African video game industry, he believes that it’s time we started documenting our success stories as Africans instead of always looking up to the likes of Mark Zuckerberg and Steve Jobs. They are great men no doubt but it’s time we started paying attention to the success stories on the continent.
Eyram has repeatedly said:
This book is not a motivational book. It was not written to tell you you can. It was written to tell you you are already doing it.
Uncompromising passion is available on Store Foundry for GHS 50 and Amazon for $15.