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Introducing Africa’s Elite Superhero Team

Introducing Africa’s Elite Superhero Team

Africa’s Legends is our superhero series influenced by folklore and historic legends from across Africa. In Africa’s Legends, we reimagine African folklore and historic legends, interspersed with fictional characters, as elite superheroes fighting crime in present day Africa.

” We are connected by a common destiny.
To rid Africa of the scourge of crime perpetuated by those for whom chaos creates wealth and power.
Together we battle crime in Africa.
We are Africa’s elite superheroes.
We are Africa’s Legends….”

This series is the umbrella series from which The True Ananse, the series depicting Kweku Ananse, god of Wisdom as a superhero in modern Ghana was spawned. There is no doubt Africa’s Legends is heavily influenced by African folklore and stories. However we also allowed for creative freedom for our team to indulge themselves and create superheroes, we would all love.

This means occasionally we get questions about having tight panted, Western style superheroes in the Africa’s Legends team. We understand but disagree with the sentiment that the African theme should trump all other creative freedoms. We prefer the diversity. We loved the challenge of figuring out the balance to arrive at our current team of African elite superheroes.

Africa’s Legends come from all over Africa and include, Ananse from Ghana, Pharaoh from Egypt, Shaka from South Africa, Wuzu the Masai and other team members. The Africa’s Legends team has backgrounds as varied and complex as you can find in real life teams and superheroes or not, there will sometimes be conflict.

We will love unveiling all the team members to you over the next few weeks. Of course, the reveal will include the villains and their minions.

Avengers, Justice League! Justice League, Avengers! This must be the thought running through your mind as you read this (unless you are not a superhero fanboy). Yes, Africa’s Legends is our Avengers and Justice League of African superheroes. Did we have to do an Avengers or Justice League! Yes, most definitely. No superhero takes on evil all alone, even though they would never admit it openly.

Our vision with Africa’s Legends is to take Africa’s stories to the world through superhero franchises. We want African and global audiences to enjoy African superheroes, just as much as we enjoy Western superheroes.

We cannot mention Africa’s Legends without mentioning our partners Intel, who are helping bring Africa’s Legends alive! The universe of Africa’s Legends is just beginning and who knows, you might craft the story for the greatest of the Africa’s Legends.

Come join us in this adventure!! Follow Africa’s Legends on Facebook, Twitter and Google+

Africa’s Legends is currently available for Android. It is available as a FREE download from the Google Play Store.

Google Play: Leti Center

Google Play: Leti Center