© 2023 Leti Arts, All Rights Reserved



Hey there!  So you’ve probably heard about or seen photos from our game nights and wondered what it’s about. Well, that’s what I’m here for lol. Leti Game nights are about unwinding after a hard week’s and making new friends (We all about the fun, ’bout fun ) . We have budding and seasoned gamers, programmers, illustrators  and food thrown in the mix. It’s literally a party. For a newbie in the gaming world like me, it’s an avenue for me to learn more. I get to learn about the different kinds of games first hand. I loose most of the time but hey! don’t judge me. We have Fifa 16, Injustice: Gods Among Us, Clash Royale, Clash of Clans, Kinect games, Halo and of course our Africa’s Legends game available. It’s up on the last Friday of every month and  open to everyone. All you have to do is keep an eye on our social media pages so you don’t miss it. You can also send us a direct message or email us at info@letiarts.com if you want us to come set up at your office. You can go through pictures from our previous game nights below. Hope to see you at the next one.

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