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Vote in the ‘Create an African Superhero’ Competition

Vote in the ‘Create an African Superhero’ Competition

Hi Everyone.

So over the weekend, we got feedback on the ongoing Create a Superhero contest which leads to this quick post to help clarify what the contest is about and how to participate.

What is the Create a Superhero Contest?

Last October, we asked fans to create the ultimate African Superhero and we got awesome entries from our fans. Our panel of judges (it may or may not have included some superheroes), chose the five (5) best entries from the bunch. We originally said three, but we expanded the list to showcase more of your ideas.

This public voting contest is to allow our fans, to select who becomes the ultimate African Superhero from these five (5) fan submitted entries.

The public voting will end on Monday, Feb 9, 2014 at 23:00. The superhero with the most votes wins! We will make this announcement officially and also announcements for those who win T-Shirts by end of Tuesday, Feb 11, 2014.

We’ve been told the path to actual voting is a bit unclear. We confused some of you guys with the awesome Black and White photos on our Facebook page.


1. Go to the Vote for a Superhero app at the top of our Facebook Page (Click Here for Direct Link).
Hint: Tell your friends about it via this URL: http://bit.ly/letisuperherocontest

Screenshot: Vote For A Superhero App

Screenshot: Vote For A Superhero App

2. Read the awesome profiles of the Superheroes
3. Vote for your favorite superhero
4. Submit your details to enter the our contest to Win a T-Shirt.
Hint:Refer your friends to stand a better chance of winning.

That’s It!!

PS. Got questions, send us a message on Facebook and we will answer as soon as we can.