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WORLD SUMMIT AWARDS (WSA) PRESENTS ITS MASTER LIST ON DIGITAL INNOVATION WITH SOCIAL IMPACT FROM 26 COUNTRIES   ACCRA/27.11.18 World Summit Awards present a global spectrum of change making projects ranging from big data for tourism to organ 3D printing, from a job-platform focusing on female tech talent to empowering smallholder farms – no matter what

As per the norm, Afrocomix just keeps getting better and better! This time, there’s a new and exciting twist. Leti Arts is proud to introduce AFROCOINS, the intelligent new way of purchasing content in the Afrocomix app. What are Afrocoins you might ask? Well, it’s quite simple. Afrocoins allow you to buy any

  It’s an understatement to say that there are and have been inspiring stories told by African artists and writers ranging from various genres that are all remarkable in their own right. It’s truly a pleasure to be able to confidently say that the tale of Karmzah, in its own unique way, has joined

The first time I was introduced to the world of computer science, I was warned that it was extremely hard and would ruin my high school experience. I was told that only the extremely science and math-oriented students could thrive in that field. Already, Computer Science and technology had been put in a